Saturday, April 24, 2010

An array of utter nonsense.

                                                        Hopping into puddles,
                                                        With no boots on.



Finals coming soon. 
A sense of foreboding.
The feeling before the hatchet falls
Before the noose tightens...
Time is running out.
All the best people.

: I fudged up, okay? And I always fudge up. I am a fudge up!
: You think?  

*cencorship at work*

"It's a vicious disease that plagues us all. Sigh."

"Smiling Bench Press"

"Like a melting ice-berg."

"The 0 second World Record." 
It's time to take control of yourself.
It's time to change.

You try to be different from the others. To be better. But what if the others had it right in the first place? Or what if you are just doing it wrong.

"A 180-degree turn in the wrong direction."

One of these days... maybe my magic won't affect you afterall.

1 comment:

sweister said...

Don't remember reading this when I was last here i.e. a gazillion years ago.

You sound so emo.