Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Okay people!!! As you all know, Heroes Season 2 is out!!!

Heroes Season 2 premiered on the 24th of September, 2007. As of this post, 3 episodes would have passed, the third one airing today. However, sadly it is only shown in America and will only make its way to our screens sometime later.

For those of you unfamiliar to this awesome series, here is a brief summary!!!:

Heroes is basically a science fiction American drama series created by Tim Kring. It premiered on NBC on the 25th of September 2006.The show tells the story of several people who "thought they were like everyone else...until they realized they have incredible abilities." These people soon realize they have a role in preventing catastrophe and saving mankind. Sounds a little cliche' and corny from this summary, but it is truly an interesting and exciting series to watch. Just to give you an image on how popular this series is; When the season premiered in the United States, it attracted 14.3 million viewers overall, and received the highest rating for any NBC drama premiere in 5 years.

I don't want to indulge too deep into the actual storyline as it may spoil it for some of you who haven't seen it yet. However, here are some pics

Scenes from the series:

The Cast:

Peter Petrelli & Nathan Petrelli

Hiro Nakamura & Matt Parkman

Claire Bennet & Noah Bennet

Nikki Sanders & Molly Walker

D.L Hawkins & Isaac Mendez

Mohinder Suresh & Micah Sanders

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